Most of us have experienced it. A feeling of inherent safety. A space where you are seen, known, and loved. This occurs in many ways; with a particular person, being in a familiar place, or noticing a delightful feeling. We can even smell something, like the scent of grandma’s homemade rolls, that brings us a sense of peace. It is a place of refuge and protection: a sanctuary.

For me, I experience sanctuary most frequently when I am in nature. Seeing the wind in the trees, touching a flower petal, hearing the bird song, smelling the coming rain, tasting honeysuckle, or my favorite, being present to the sun breaching the horizon.

You may experience it in the warmth of your favorite blanket, the companionship of a caring pet, or the voice of that special someone.

We each sense sanctuary in different ways. It is beneficial to reflect on and understand where we find refuge and how we feel protection. These are things that allow us to realize peace and rest.

Why might these nuances be important in our craft? Our homes, workplaces, and created surroundings impact us consciously and unconsciously. The built environment can bring us comfort or it can bring us unrest. We are passionate about creating safe spaces. As you articulate what brings you comfort, we attentively listen, aspiring to craft an environment that beckons sanctuary.