Category: Home Tips
Easy Summertime Chores
When summer rays are shining, it is tempting to grab your book and relax in the hammock. But before you do, take some time during a cooler summer morning to walk around your home and inspect it with a keen eye – to ensure that there isn’t anything that needs your attention.
Keep Your Gutters Free from Debris
Inspect your gutters and remove any debris. Here in Lancaster County, flash thunderstorms are common, and your house can suffer from water damage as a result of debris and water accumulating in your gutters
Clean Your Garage
Summer is a great time to organize your garage and get rid of the clutter. Also keep in mind that in the summer, temperatures can rise to new highs every day. Heat-sensitive materials such as paints and solvents should be stored in a cool, dry place or, if no longer needed, disposed of properly.
Examine for Pests and Insects
Inspect your deck and other wooden areas for termites. For humid climates, like ours, watch for puddles around your yard and other standing water – which is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes (and the West Nile virus). Check your lawn for holes created by moles, chipmunks or other furry creatures. Finally, examine the eaves around your home for hornets’ nests. Depending on the type of insect or pest, you may want to consult a professional for extermination.
By pinpointing problems early, you can usually avoid larger repair headaches (and bills) down the road – and have more time to relax in the summer sun.
May Home Checklist
- Decks: seal, clean, repair, check bolts, and check any lighting that is attached. Consider replacing or fixing any issues from the wood to the lights.
- Plant annuals & perennials to add a bit of color around your home.
- HVAC – clear any tall foliage or dirt buildup around the base and consider having a professional do a check-up on the freon and more.
- Trim trees, bushes and shrubs. Spring brings more growth to your trees, bushes and shrubs so take a moment to trim them back. By doing so wards off pests.
- Outdoor Lights – Lights provide a level of safety and security for your home, so if the lights are no longer working, repair or replace them. Check the light bulbs by your front and back door, and don’t forget those ‘runway lights’ along walkways. Make sure none are broken or the bulbs aren’t burnt out.
- Test carbon monoxide and smoke detectors. This can never be done enough. Either replacing batteries or purchase new units.
- Clean our the garbage disposal. Here is an easy combination that most of us already have in our home: ice, baking soda and citrus rinds. Pour into garbage disposal and turn on. The ice keeps the blade sharp and the baking soda and rinds freshens it up.
- Clean the range hood of grease and grime.
- Check the pressure gauge on your fire extinguisher. If the needle is in the green, it’s still functional. If not, then it is time to replace. If you do not have a gauge, consider having a professional check it. If your extinguisher is a non-rechargeable, retire your unit every 12 years. For rechargeable, it is recommended you replace it every 6 years.
Emergency Preparedness for Extreme Weather
No matter what the season, Lancaster County sees its fair share of extreme weather. With shifting temperatures in the spring and early summer, this time of the year seems to be one of the most volatile for extreme weather. Thunderstorms, hail and driving winds all can appear rather quickly, which is why it is important to be prepared just in case the power goes out.
J.K. Mechanical put together this handy info-graphic on extreme weather emergency essentials (see below). With these tips you can prepare your family and your home for any situation in any kind weather.
Tip #1: Standby Generator
A standby generator will help keep the most essential items running when the power goes out (refrigerator, freezer, cell phone charger, medical equipment, etc.). If you live in a neighborhood where your experience frequent and long power outages, a generator should be a top purchase consideration.
Tip #2: Adequate Food and Water
If there was a local disaster (ice storm, flood or tornado), would you have adequate food and water for your family? Make sure you store one gallon of water per person per day (3 days is recommended) and store enough non-perishable food (and a way to cook it – think camping) for your family, too.
Tip #3: Prepare Your Home
There are some things you can do around your house to prepare it against extreme weather. Check the roof, caulk windows and doors, insulate, keep gutters clean and bring your pets inside.
Remember, by taking the time to plan ahead, you can ensure the safety of your family.
Home Tip: Ideas for Keeping Your Bathroom Clean and Fresh
A bathroom can be one of the most relaxing places in the home, yet it is also a room that is one of the hardest to keep clean and sanitized. Here are a few ideas for keeping your bathroom clean and fresh:
- To remove soap scum, lime scale and dirt from your shower and other bathroom surfaces, use a mixture of dishwashing liquid, ammonia and vinegar. Having said that, if you have marble in your bathroom, be sure NOT to use vinegar, as it will break down the marble.
- White vinegar can also be used to remove soap scum from glass showers. Just put it in a dollar-store spray bottle to use. Vinegar can also be poured into toilets to keep them sparkling.
- Use a razor blade to scrape lime scale around faucets. Just be super careful as you scrape that you don’t cut yourself.
- Keep a bottle of soap scum remover in your shower caddie, and every few days, spray it after your shower. It keeps the scum from building up and significantly decreases the time and elbow grease needed to clean your shower.
- Don’t use fabric softener when washing towels, as this will create a coating on them – making them less absorbent. Instead, use white vinegar to keep them fluffy and soft.
Protect Your Home from Rainstorm Damage
Summer is here, and the change of the season brings many severe thunderstorms to the Susquehanna Valley. They move in fast and furious and can often produce several inches of rain in a matter of minutes.
These rainstorms are also brutal on our homes, but there are steps you can take to minimize the potential damage:
- Make sure the dirt around your home is graded away from your foundation. If you find places where water can pool, fill them. Water nestled against the foundation can cause major issues to your home.
- Keep downspouts and gutters clear of debris. Also make sure that your downspouts are long enough that they don’t dispense water too close to your home’s foundation.
- Check sump pumps regularly to make sure that they work properly. To do so, fill the sump well with water until it triggers the pump. Additionally, just like downspouts, make sure your sump pump pipe releases water far enough away from the home and that it is free of debris. Also, be sure your sump pump is not discharging into the septic or sewer pipes. This could result in a failed septic system or higher sewer costs.
- After a rain, wind or hailstorm, check your roof for damage. If you suspect any damage, call a professional roofing company to inspect it.
- If you frequently lose power, you may want to invest in a generator. These come in a wide range of types and costs. You can get a small one for just your sump pump, or you can invest in a larger generator that can keep a few items running, such as your refrigerator and cell phone chargers, until power is restored.
Home Maintenance Checklist – March 2016
Find and fix leaks in your crawl space or basement. Look for water accumulation and moisture after the melting snow and rain.
5 Sensible Adjustments to Save on Utilities
- Adjust the heat and AC. Adjusting the thermostat is one of the most significant ways you can see savings on your utility bills all year
round. For colder months, try setting the thermostat a bit lower. For example, if you normally set it at 72, try 68 during the day and even lower (perhaps 65) overnight. Also remember to turn down your thermostat when you are at work for the day. In the summer, set your thermostat higher, perhaps in the high 70s. This will still be quite comfortable compared to outside. While at first these adjustments may feel a bit extreme, your body will adjust and you will notice savings.
- Stop pre-rinsing. Pre-rinsing dishes before placing them in the dishwasher is no longer necessary. Most newer model dishwashers are designed to handle the stuck-on food to leave your dishes clean and sparkling.
- Air dry . To save some money, experiment with air drying – from your dishes to your clothes to your hair.
- Check for water leaks. The cause of wasted water and increased water bills is often found in hidden leaks. A good way detect hidden leaks is to check your water meter before you go to bed and again first thing in the morning. If the number has changed, you may have a leak somewhere in your house.
- Check for air leaks. Drafty windows and doors can be a huge source of energy loss, in both the winter and summer months. If you notice a small draft, purchase a winterization kit at your local hardware store, and/or buy heavy insulated curtains. For a short-term solution, place blankets or towels at the base of a door to minimize the draftiness until you are able to install new weather stripping. If the draftiness is too severe, consider calling a professional to diagnose the problem and provide solutions.
Home Maintenance Checklist – February 2016
- Clean behind the refrigerator. This is an often overlooked task, and by cleaning off the dust from the coils, it will increase the fridge’s lifespan. Safety Tip: Make sure you unplug the fridge before doing anything.
- Clean the dryer lint trap and exhaust. Most dryers have a removable lint trap, and for the most part, cleaning the lint off the trap after every load does remove much of the lint. However, the exhaust behind the dryer gets overlooked most often, and heat from the dryer could set the lint on fire inside that tube. Take time this month to vacuum out the lint hose. Not only will it reduce the fire hazard, but it will also reduce the energy you need to dry a load of clothes.
- Clean or change the HVAC air filters. This is something you should do every month because replacing the filter(s) will allow cleaner air to circulate throughout your home, reduce allergens and increase overall indoor air quality.
- Deep clean your kitchen appliances. During the holidays and/or Super Bowl you may have done a bit more cooking than usual. Take the time to do some deep cleaning to increase their efficiency and longer lifespan.
- Test your fire and CO alarms. With an increase of using heat, lights and candles poses a higher risk of having a fire and carbon monoxide. Take a moment and consider replacing batteries.
4 Types of De-Icing Salt for Your Home
With another bought of snow approaching next week it’s the best time to decide which de-icing salt will be best for your home.
There are four de-icing salts available, but each have different qualities and characteristics about them.
If the temperatures are below freezing and you are seeking excellent traction for your walkways and driveways, then Safe -T-Salt is the brand. Thinking of making ice cream? Safe-T-Salt is safe to use.
Calcium Chloride Pellets/Flakes gives off heat while dissolving, which speeds up the melting process. Calcium Chloride works quickly because it attracts moisture from the surrounding area and quickly turns into a solution. It continues to be effective even when the temperatures drop below -25 °Fahrenheit.
Searching for a pet friendly product? Blizzard Wizard is pet friendly and continues to provide an ‘ice-shield’ for upcoming storms. It is 30% to 40% less corrosive than rock salt and delivers aggressive melting power to -20 °F.
Our last suggestion is Snow Glo. This de-icing ‘salt’ is green-tinted, high performance that contains sodium chloride, calcium and magnesium chloride, Potassium Chloride, Urea, and CMA for faster, colder temperature melting than regular rock salt. The purpose for the green-tint is for people to see coverage on ice and packed snow. Minimal to no staining will occur once melted.
Home Maintenance Checklist – November 2015
Winter will be here soon, so now is the time to check around your house to make sure it is ready for cold and blustery weather when it arrives.
Gutters. Do one final check of your gutters to make sure it is free of leaves and other debris, as it can cause water to dam up and freeze. Keep in mind that if you are unable to safely check them yourself, hire a professional who can take care of it for you.
Shrubs and Tree Limbs. When the wind is blowing, the trees and shrubs close to your home can scrape against the exterior of your home. Besides keeping you awake at night, they can also cause damage. Trim them back so that they aren’t hitting your house.
Furnace. Your furnace is what keeps your home and family comfortable all winter long, so make sure you keep it in good working order. If you haven’t already done so, have your HVAC professional do a furnace check-up where he can clean it and detect any potential issues.
Outside Items. If you still have patio furniture, flower pots or garden hoses outside, move them back inside. Also, make sure that your outside spigots are drained and turned off from the inside. This will prevent potential pipe bursts from happening in below-freezing temperatures.
Kitchen Sink. Before holiday cooking and baking get in full swing, clean your garbage disposal and also your faucet aerator.