Home Maintenance Checklist – October 2015

October is a good time to take a look around the outside of your home to make sure everything is put away and in good working order before the cold winter air sets in. Take notice of anything that may need your attention and be sure to take care of it now before it has the potential of turning into a much larger issue.

  • Disconnect garden hoses from your house and store them. To minimize the possibility of a pipe burst, turn off the water to the pipes that leads to the outside spigot (from the inside).
  • To keep your furnace in the best working order, contact your HVAC company to schedule a furnace checkup. Besides giving your furnace a good cleaning, they will also inspect it to see if there are any parts that may need replaced so that it stays running all winter long.
  • Check the weather stripping around doors and windows. These naturally break down over time, so to minimize drafts, replace them, as needed.
  • An on-going fall chore is to clear fall leaves from gutters and downspouts to keep the water moving away from your home.
  • October’s cool nights and warm days are a good time to aerate your yard and reseed and/or patch areas. This is the first step to creating a fuller, healthier lawn to enjoy next spring.
  • Inspect your wooden deck and stairs for loose/cracked boards. If you have boards that are worn, warped or cracked, replace them now. This could prevent someone from slipping during the icy winter months.
  • Check your roof. Your roof is your home’s first line of defense, so if you notice anything, contact a professional roofer. A little money invested now could save you a bundle later.