New Homes – Post Construction

Once you’ve moved into your home, our relationship with you doesn’t end there. Our home care team is available as needed to address the expected warranty items.

Many different components are used to construct your home, and these materials take time to acclimate to being part of a new structure. During that first year of living in your home, you may notice some screw pops in the drywall or caulk joints that crack and separate where wood trim meets drywall. These cosmetic issues are expected as we are in a unique part of the country for weather extremes.

Typically, there are a few days where we experience near 100 degrees in the summer and in the winter, it is quite common to see days where the temperature dips near 0. Most building materials are designed to expand and contract with the heat and cold. As lumber dries out and expands and contracts, it shifts ever so slightly which can create screw pops and caulking to crack.

We recommend that you keep track of any issues you see so when we schedule your follow-up appointment, we have a clear picture of what items need addressed.

Finally, we provide a comprehensive one-year warranty with all our new homes, but we will continue to provide any on-going home care and maintenance you need beyond the life of the warranty.

Let’s Build Together